April 13, 2019


It’s a sunny day in Chicago today. It’s windy, but the temperature is in the low 50s. It fits within April expectations. Tomorrow we’re suppose to get rain, freezing rain, and much colder temperatures, only to return to today’s type of weather on Monday.

It’s all normal for April in Chicago.

After writing two cranky blog entries last night I relaxed in front of the television watching an episode of “Star Trek: Voyager” (I’m currently on season two) and then I watched the first episode of the fourth season of “Black Mirror”. Earl doesn’t like “Black Mirror” but I enjoy the series. It’s geeky, it’s thought provoking, and it’s eerie enough to keep me on the edge (at times) but not horrifying to give me nightmares.

The episode I watched last night was called “U.S.S. Callister”. The trailer made it look like a parody of Star Trek but it was so much more. I won’t spoil it (even though it’s been out for a while) but I found the story clever.

I love geeky things.