Moby from the good ol’ blogging days stated how I feel these days:
I try not to get upset over things I can’t control, but it is a struggle. The next 4 years are going to be hard for a lot of us. Know that contrary to some of the public commentary, your value is not diminished due to ignorance, hatred, and bias. We certainly will not be silent, and we are not going away.
Happy birthday to Moby, by the way.
One of my biggest struggles with contemporary American society in general is composed of two parts. These two parts strike my two biggest pet peeves: 1. People being willfully ignorant and 2. People that can’t get their shit together.
It seems that too many U.S. citizens revel in both of these things. Watching politicians on all sides of the aisle kowtow to the lowest common denominator makes my head want to explode.
This approach is found in everything. We have warnings not to drink the ink out of the printer cartridge. We now have flashing yellow arrows to tell us not to run over a pedestrian or slam into an oncoming car when waiting to turn left. We have media that tells folks what they want to hear instead of presenting the actual facts.
If it doesn’t have entertainment value, it’s not worth the ad clicks. Americans don’t want to be informed, they want to be entertained.
It’s very hard for me not to get depressed while trying to be informed. I honestly like I’m going to end up navigating the remaining 99.6% of the idiot’s time in the White House in a constant “low power mode”.
My battery is about shot.