Since the advertised WiFi is not working on this flight, I thought I would try something else along the line of “firsts”. So I’m having my first in-flight alcoholic beverage.
I don’t know the name of the flight attendant that is working coach, but he is a handsome gentleman and he apologized for not having an orange to include with my Blue Moon.
The food choices are rather limited. My supper consisted of a can of Pringles, two free Biscotti cookies, a Diet Coke in a leaky cup and this can of Blue Moon. I see the first class flight attendant walking around with a submarine sandwich. Apparently that’s a first class thing only. Someone is going to have to let me fly somewhere via first class someday. Preferably on a 747.
That will be a grand blog entry entitled “Firsts”. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy my first alcoholic beverage on a flight.
No snakes? 😉
Come to think of it, I don’t know that I’ve ever had an alcoholic beverage on an airplane….
I didn’t have alcohol on the way home, simply because it was too early in the day, but I have more flights coming up in the next couple of months so I will probably have another beer or two at 30,000 feet. The restroom is too small for any other sort of activity that can be done at the altitude.
Is it possible for it too be early? Especially when airports and the TSA is involved?
I can’t even imagine attempting to do anything else in a airplane restroom. It’s difficult enough to actually do bathroom business in one.