
Ten years ago today I started something. Armed with a computer running Windows Me, a crappy version of Internet Explorer and a software package called FrontPage, I started something I called “my online journal”. Ten years ago today, my very first blog post went something like this:

First entry.

The first comment came a few weeks later from Thom, who started his blog around the same time. Our paths have crossed in the real world a few times. He was nice in his first comment and he’s a nice guy too.

While there have been server moves, changes in attitude and plenty of facelifts over the years, more has remained constant: I’m still trying tomfind myself, I’m still trying to healthier, I’m never looking at the same big picture shared by everyone else, but more importantly, what I write here is honest for the moment. I hope you have enjoyed this snapshot into our life.

I look forward to sharing more over the years. Happy blogoversary.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad