May 4, 2009



I have always been intrigued by the forest. It is in the forest (or the woods) that I find adventure, even if it’s a construct of my imagination. It is there that I am able to escape. As I stand alone with nature, I feel Mother Nature caress me with her breezes as they work their way through the pine trees that surround me.

As a kid the woods behind my parents’ house was my domain. I’d climb trees, I’d lie on the leaves and watch the sky or I’d build a little fort out of pine tree branches up against the slope of the railroad tracks bed. It was there that I discovered what made me tick, what thoughts lurked in my mind and where I found solitude and relaxation.

Yesterday we went for a walk along a paved trail that passes near the woods. I made a slight detour off the beaten path to grab a glimpse of what I love.

I was not disappointed.


My MobileMe account expired today. And after much deliberation, I have decided not to renew it. Therefore, the e-mail address (or is no longer valid.

jp at jpnearl dot com (but not written out that way) is the best e-mail address to use, as it will always reach me no matter what service I am using at the time.

The MobileMe service is GREAT in theory, however, there are just too many free options out there that offer better service than MobileMe. In today’s economic climate I can not justify the cost of the service.