Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

Earl and I are in Bucks County, Pa. for his niece’s wedding tomorrow. The weather is beautiful, the drive was wonderful though I had to take a power nap in a rest area for 20 minutes or so. I fell asleep really fast and had some really weird dreams, all in a 20 minute span in the front seat of the car. It was a little odd. I blame my new medicine.

Anyways, tonight was the obligatory rehearsal and dinner afterward. It was a nice gathering. We then caught up with my in laws for the weekly poker game. Earl threw some chips around and kept it respectable; I socialised. It’s what I do.

I think it’s time to go to bed. One of the cool things of staying here with my brother and sister in law is that it’s our old bed from the old house. My ass still fits in the same spot from years ago, even though they bought a new mattress.