July 11, 2008


Gig., originally uploaded by iMachias.

I found the perfect t-shirt for my mood tonight.

Another Saranac Thursday Night.

Flickr Link.

Earl and I are back from our weekly outing to Saranac Thursday night. It’s actually after 2:00 in the morning and I have just awoken from several hours of sleep. I was apparently put to bed immediately after supper, around 9:00 p.m. That should give you an idea of how the evening went.

It is Boilermaker Weekend in these parts plus the weather was picture perfect, so the brewery was packed to the gills with people. Earl and I hung out with friends, where we discussed everything from Obama to sex to work stuff. Earl didn’t do a lot of talking as his voice is pretty much shot from a “lively” discussion he had with one of his employees earlier in the week. He still takes a good picture though.

Flickr Link.

I let Earl play with my iPhone for a few moments during the evening. When I was downloading the photos from it I noticed a photo of someone I didn’t recognise. Earl was apparently taking stealth shots.

I always enjoy the people watching on outings such as these. I noticed that there aren’t as many people wearing the trendy, big sunglasses found elsewhere. Most of the guys have aviator or ‘biker’ sunglasses and many of the women are opting for the modern looking sunglasses rather than the aforementioned big, bulky retro glasses.

The music wasn’t bad. I don’t know who the band was but they focused on country music. They were in tune for the most part, which is always a good start when you’re singing on stage. Unfortunately the lead singer had a really bad habit of whistling into the microphone between phrases of any given track he was singing and it was making my ears hurt. We had to go to the outer limits of the crowd to keep me from doing the Pavlov’s dog trick. I don’t find it appropriate to drool in public.

After a few beers we headed over to Zebb’s, where I apparently ordered a delicious meal. Much of it is in the refrigerator in a take away box. I guess I’ll have it for lunch tomorrow.