December 27, 2005

‘Tween Week.

Here it is the week between Christmas and New Year’s. The time I like to call ‘Tween. You know the drill, only half the people are working in your office so it’s sort of like a regular work week aside from the fact that the malls and big box behemoths are still packed to the brim with surly shoppers too impatient to stand in line at the return counter.

Kids are also off from school this week. They often say that the primary goal of our education system is to prepare a student for the real world, to arm them with the tools they need to survive the rest of their life. That’s why I’ve never understood why schools are closed so much. What are there, 180 days in the school year? That’s less than half a year. Half a year! I wish I could get half a year off from my job. I guess I’m jealous.

But I digress.

It’s a little bit of a challenge here at work during the ‘tween. It’s a slow time, so I try to look busy and resist the urge to go wildly surfing on the internet. You never know who, besides the U.S. Government of course (wave for the NSA man!), is monitoring your online activity, so it’s best to stay away from the porn from 9 to 5. Even that site that beckons “Jerk at work”. Not that I’ve ever been there.

Luckily the geek in me enjoys keeping up with the happenings in the technology and telecommunications community, which is inline with what I do for a living.

Back in my early days of radio as a fill-in d.j. this was a busy week for me. I would get to work as the replacement for the popular night-time slot. Sort of like Joan Rivers sitting in for Johnny Carson, though I was J.P. Marks sitting in for B.B. Good and I didn’t have any of Joan’s plastic look or sound. Listeners would enjoy the show but they preferred to hear the “real” d.j. do her thing.

Maybe I should have used the name ‘Tweener.