December 2, 2005

Change Of Plans.

Today has been a day about changing plans. It started when I decided to take my lunch to work today. Being Friday, the cupboards are starting to get a little bare, so it was peanut butter and strawberry jam on wheat bread with a snack pack of Pringles as accompaniment. Earl called me at work around 11:00 and said “let’s do lunch at noon!”. Not wanting to waste food, I decided to eat my lunch at 11:00 and then joined him at noon at the local cafeteria-type place for a big plate of spanish rice. So I had lunch before lunch. Small wonder I’m gaining weight again. Oh well.

During lunch (the second one), we noticed the weather was taking a turn for the worse in the way of some pretty good lake effect snow squalls. This was a problem because we were planning on doing our annual Christmas shopping trip this weekend. This year’s destination was Pittsburgh. We were going to leave right after work and get as far as Erie, Pa. We’d spend the night and then get up and complete the trip tomorrow to do some shopping. Right now we’d be about Buffalo. But instead we’re at home, snug in our home as the snow falls and the wind whips about. So much for Pittsburgh. If the weather clears up a bit tomorrow, we’ll hop in the Jeep and drive away from the great lakes, maybe towards Albany, and do our Christmas shopping there.

Faced with an evening ahead of us now, we decided to go to the movies and see “Harry Potter: The Goblet of Fire”. Honestly, I don’t know what the fuss is all about. Quite frankly I personally found this to be the weakest of the Harry Potter movies. I found the plot trudged along at an acceptable pace, but the magic seemed to be missing from the movie. I thought the whole movie was way too dark; the plot, the story, the magic and the cinematography. It wasn’t a waste of money by any means, but I would rush out and see it a second time.

So now I’m catching up on my blog reading and looking forward to calling it a night soon. It’s a definite change from the Pittsburgh-bound road trip, but nothing disappointing. We are looking forward to a relaxing weekend.