
As I’ve mentioned before over the past couple of weeks, I’ve felt a need to go back to the basics. To make life as simple as possible. There’s no time for complicated drama.

For example, Earl and I went out for supper tonight. Because it was the simple thing to do. Earl had a rough day at work and neither of us were in the mood to cook, so we went out to a local restaurant.

It was much simpler to order Chili-Cheese Fries then explain to the waitress how we wanted a healthy appetizer.

That being said, it was much easier to just say no to the dessert than to select something delicious from the wealth of choices we were presented with.

I’ve gone out of my way to make my computer simpler as well. I’m tired of struggling with Linux and Unix, so I’ve embraced Microsoft again. I’m even using MSN Premium! While it’s geared for the technological newbie, I’m finding the simplicity of MSN to be a dream.

I’m thinking of growing a garden this year. To just take it easy and grow my tomatoes and turnips or whatever.

There’s a certain amount of peace that comes with simplicity. As long as I don’t head over to brain dead, we’re good.