December 23, 2018


Cross-posted from my Facebook feed.

Today I’ve posted pictures of successful baking adventures, wished a loved one and a friend both happy birthdays, and shared a wonderful photo of a cherished memory. As we move into Christmas Eve, I wish each and every person that reads this the most joyous of days, no matter how or if you choose to celebrate.

This evening on CBS’ “Madam Secretary”, the story line reminded us of what’s still going on our southern border today: children separated from their parents who are seeking asylum in the United States. The episode broke my heart and had me in tears from the beginning minutes of the story. We can share all the cat photos (I love cats!) and cake photos and merry moments photos here on Facebook, and it’s great that we can do that, but we must never lose sight of a worldwide view, and how the moral foundation of what made this country great is rapidly eroding. Sticking our heads in the sand does not make this country great. Ignorance is not bliss.

The people of the United States deserve honest, truthful leadership. We deserve representatives that work for the people. But most importantly, we the people must never turn our back on basic humanity, and we must never allow our representatives to do so.

All of us reading this post are fortunate to be where we want to be in life and to have the opportunity to share good tidings with anyone we choose. Others come to the U.S. to seek the same, escaping a life that we probably can’t even imagine, and we turn them away or worse yet, separate parents from their children as a deterrent.

This does not make us great. Our humanity brings greatness to this country. Every night I pray this inhumane nightmare will come to an end in the New Year. The sooner, the better.

Happy Holidays.

The Little Things.

It’s the little things that make the holiday season special. It’s not about mauling other shoppers for the cheapest 55-inch television, or trying to impress with the latest, most expensive, soon-to-be-obsolete gadget.

It’s about holding the door. Running the vacuum. A pair of gloves. A love note written with a Sharpie on the remains of a notepad. It’s about making new traditions, reveling in memories, sharing warm tidings.

No one should dictate how you convey these thoughts. Any glad tiding should be received as the gift was offered. The words don’t matter, it’s the intent that should make an impression.

Be of good cheer. Share warmth, not judgment. And make this holiday, no matter how or when you choose to celebrate, if you celebrate at all, one to remember with pleasant memories.